

Computer Science Undergraduate @ CSU



Welcome to my website! bdunahu is an alias I give and use online; my real name is Benjamin.

I currently attend university to study computer science. My work and personal projects gravitate towards reinforcement learning, operating systems, compilers, sword and sorcery, Norse mythology, and sometimes poetry/fiction writing.

I try to make computing choices which maximize independence, customization, and freedom to do anything I like. I have found the only way to accomplish this is through libre software. I hope to use my background to create more of it, and help replace the need for the less friendly, proprietary equivalent.


If you are reading this, then the site is operational.

In seriousness, the name is based off of the 1971 book Operation Chaos by Poul Anderson. The book is an episodic novel. It is not exactly my favorite novel (I have yet to even read the latter sections) but I still return to it occasionally.

Operation Null is just as formidable, but in a computeristic sense.

If you like, please consider viewing a few of the programs and poetry I have hosted on this site!